"Sign Me Up!"
- Free Membership
If this is your first visit to
COPROMOTE, you may prefer getting to know more
About Us first.
Below you will find all the
information you need to join the COPROMOTE team. Please read the information
carefully. Anyone found in deliberate violation of these terms and
conditions is subject to losing their COPROMOTE privilages.
"Sign Me Up! -
By joining COPROMOTE, you agree to
the following:
- Members agree to include the full
unmodified HTML code provided by COPROMOTE for displaying banner ads on their
web site, in as many or few pages as they wish. If you aren't familiar with
the benfits of our Banner Exchange, please visit our
Banner Exchange
- Visit our
pages for a list of members that will design and build you banner for free!
It is not necessary to have a web page or a banner prior to joining
COPROMOTE. You should be able to find
members that will help you build both, at which time we will display your new
banner throughout our member website network!
- Members acknowledge that
COPROMOTE's Banner Exchange program is a free service supported by sponsors. At
any given time, the banner on a member's web site may contain an advertisement
from a sponsor, from another member, or from COPROMOTE.
- COPROMOTE will not accept any
advertisement, free or sponsored, from entities whose product or advertisement
they determine to be offensive or inappropriate in any way. For instance, we do
not allow adult sites, or sites which contain links to adult sites.
- A member may cancel their
participation in COPROMOTE by notifying COPROMOTE in writing or by sending
e-mail to copromote@eliteweb.com. Upon resigning his/her membership, the member
agrees to remove all references and links to COPROMOTE from the member's web
- All COPROMOTE banners must be
placed on a page such that the majority of people visiting that page will see
and notice the banner.
- COPROMOTE reserves the right to
deactivate accounts for web sites that display an inordinate number of banners
for or links to competing banner exchange services, sites that contain little
or no original content, and sites where COPROMOTE banners appear on an
inordinate number of dynamically-generated pages. Special exceptions to these
restrictions may be made by sending e-mail to copromote@eliteweb.com.
- A member may not artificially
inflate traffic counts to his/her site using a device, program, or other means.
A member may not display more than one COPROMOTE banner on any page. A member
may not include the banner on any pages that automatically reload or go to
another page without interaction from the user (ie, client pull or server push).
- A member may not place his/her
COPROMOTE HTML code on pages that are unrelated to the site being advertised.
Anyone found in violation of these policies will lose all of their COPROMOTE
- The following types of sites are
NOT allowed to participate in COPROMOTE: Sites containing pornographic
material, sites with links to pornographic sites, sites encouraging illegal
activity or racism, sites providing instructions or discussions about
performing illegal activities, sites that promote or utilize software or
services designed to deliver unsolicited e-mail, sites that are regarded by a
significant portion of the COPROMOTE membership to be inappropriate, or any
other sites the administrators deem to be inappropriate.
- Elite Web Design and Marketing
retains ownership and all rights to the COPROMOTE name, logo, software,
databases, reports, web site, and information.
- Elite Web Design and Marketing
reserves the right to restrict the use of the COPROMOTE name, system, logo,
software, lists, databases, reports, and any information created or obtained by
COPROMOTE. However, each individual web site has the right to use information
obtained by COPROMOTE on the site or in the promotion of the site.
- Members acknowledge and agree that
their web site information (name, URL, traffic counts, etc.) may be utilized
by COPROMOTE. Possible uses include (but are not limited to) lists of the
busiest sites, lists of member sites, etc.
- All members agree to utilize the
services of COPROMOTE at their own risk. COPROMOTE, its administrators,
partners and sponsors cannot be held liable for any damage or loss of
information that may occur from the use of the services of COPROMOTE. Although
we will make a reasonable effort to provide a high standard of quality for our
services, the administrators of COPROMOTE do not make any guarantees
regarding the dependability, accuracy, or timeliness of the services of
- The information provided by
COPROMOTE to members may be proprietary in nature. Members acknowledge that they
are not competitors of COPROMOTE, and agree not to share this information
with any competitors.
- COPROMOTE reserves the right to
modify, or change these Terms and Conditions.